April 13th, 2006


The full moon was just approaching the western horizon when I started to open. Mostly clear at first, then clouded over just before census and then cleared again. The early morning light on the grounds and the Mansion was very beautiful – golden.

Bird-wise it seemed quiet but I ended up banding 20 and encountered 39 species in the course of the day – including the 1st Brown Thrasher and Northern Rough-winged Swallow.

Banded 20: 1 TRES, 2 GCKI, 1 RCKI, 1 FISP, 1 SOSP, 2 SWSP, 4 SCJU, 1 RWBL, 4 BHCO, 1 HOFI, 2 AMGO.

Retrapped 8: 1 BCCH, 1 GCKI, 4 SOSP, 2 SCJU.

5 Common Loons flew over this morning – 1 at 0610 (Standard time) and 4 at 0627. The first one was headed north; the other 4 WNW.



After over 2 weeks of decent to good days at Selkirk the wheel finally fell off. Very few small passerines around in the netting area. A PIWA did move through around noon. We had a brief shower around 8 am.

Banded: BLJA 1, GCKI 2, RCKI 5, HETH 1, SOSP 1 = 10

10 is about average for the station at this time of the year. STD 636.

Hepatica, Colt’s Foot and Spring Beauty are out in bloom. Wild Leeks and Trout Lilies are out of the ground.


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