April 14th

It was cool but not cold this morning; however, the strong northeasterly wind made netting difficult and, as it had blown throughout the night, probably hindered any new bird movement northward. Loretta opened for me (bless her….I had driven home from New Brunswick and didn’t arrive home until 3:00 AM) and was rewarded with an early Broad-winged Hawk. Later we saw at least 3 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. A Winter Wren continues to skulk along the overhanging creek embankment below Net #6 – I wonder if they would breed down here…..I looked diligently but could not refind Brian’s Baltimore Oriole.
There were a LOT of American Goldfinches around today. In the newly greening grass by the feeder they looked a little like dandelions.
On the whole it was a pretty unremarkable morning with a lot of birds bouncing out of the billowing nets.

Banded 15:
1 Golden-crowned Kinglet
1 Swamp Sparrow
7 Dark-eyed Juncos
2 Brown-headed Cowbirds
1 Pine Siskin
3 American Goldfinches

Retrapped 20:ET’s: 41 spp.


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