April 19th, 2006


What an exceptional April day, weather wise. No frost, no wind, no clouds. And so it follows, not many birds either.

There are always a few surprises, though. Like the fox making a hasty retreat down the path towards the river just before dawn this morning. Like the European Starling that laid an egg in the net! (That is the first time I have had that happen!) Like a rather late American Tree Sparrow that I banded.

Birds banded this morning (22): 1 MODO, 1 WBNU, 1 RCKI, 2 EUST, 1 NOCA, 1 ATSP, 1 CHSP, 2 WTSP, 5 SCJU, and 7 AMGO.

Retrapped (13)
: 3 DOWO, 3 BCCH, 1 AMRO, 1 CHSP, 1 SOSP, 1 SCJU, and 3 AMGO.

One of the Goldfinches was a foreign retrap, that is, banded at another station (I think).



A bit of variety but no numbers. Not much movement could be detected in the banding area.

Banded; MODO 1, BCCH 1, GCKI 1, RCKI 1, HETH 1, AMRO 1, FOSP 1, SOSP 2, SWSP 1, SCJU 4, RWBL 1, COGR 1, BHCO 1= 17

A BGGN was calling over the parking lot on the way out.


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