April 21st – Lots of……Visitors

Yes, Marie-Pier is back....for a birding vacation.  -R. Sadowska

Yes, Marie-Pier is back….for a birding vacation. -R. Sadowska

We “handled” more visitors than birds today: 34 of the former, 28 of the latter (22 new bandings). Frankly, I was expecting more…birds that is. Easter Monday is always big for visitors…and I like that. Very mild temperatures and a light southerly wind through the night. But the edges were almost devoid of new migrants – no Hermit Thrushes,
Ruby-crowned Kinglets, White-throated Sparrows. Still, on the day, we encountered 51 species. So it’s happening, just not in the nets…..
Gulls have been plentiful along the river - feasting in the flooded fields.

Gulls have been plentiful along the river – feasting in the flooded fields.

One thing about having lots of visitors is that you get lots of pictures. After the account of the birds banded I’ll post an extensive photo gallery of pictures taken over the past few days by some very good photographers.

Banded 22:
1 Mourning Dove
1 European Starling
2 Northern Cardinals
1 Chipping Sparrow
1 Field Sparrow
1 Dark-eyed Junco
4 Red-winged Blackbirds
11 Brown-headed Cowbirds

ET’s: 51 spp.

Photo Gallery:

One of the first Bank Swallows.  -R. Sadowska

One of the first Bank Swallows. -R. Sadowska

 -R. Sadowska

-R. Sadowska

Sapsucker.   -R. Sadowska

Sapsucker. -R. Sadowska

Brilliant white-morph White-throated Sparrow.  -R. Sadowska

Brillian white-morph White-throated Sparrow. -R. Sadowska

Brilliant blue-morph bander with a white-morph sparrow. -R. Sadowska

Brilliant blue-morph bander with a white-morph sparrow.
-R. Sadowska

12 Purple Martins around today.   -R. Sadowska

12 Purple Martins around today. -R. Sadowska

The Killdeer are back to their old stompin' ground.   -C. Scholtens

The Killdeer are back to their old stompin’ ground. -C. Scholtens

Turkey Vulture amid the trees.   -C. Scholtens

Turkey Vulture amid the trees. -C. Scholtens

Coming and.... -C. Scholtens

Coming and….
-C. Scholtens

Going.    -C. Scholtens

Going. -C. Scholtens

Song Sparrow. -C. Scholtens

Song Sparrow.
-C. Scholtens

White triangles at the end of the wings - Bonaparte's Gull.  -C. Scholtens

White triangles at the end of the wings – Bonaparte’s Gull. -C. Scholtens

Adder's Tongues pushing their way through to the Spring.  -C. Scholtens

Adder’s Tongues pushing their way through to the Spring. -C. Scholtens

And the snakes are emerging in good numbers.   -C. Scholtens

And the snakes are emerging in good numbers. -C. Scholtens

Emerging from the Winter snow - a deer that has seen better days.   -C. Scholtens

Emerging from the Winter snow – a deer that has seen better days.
-C. Scholtens

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