April 22nd – A Day Of High Expectations

Eddie's cousin - Light Blue - banded in May 2014.    -S. Strachan

Eddie’s cousin – Light Blue – banded in May 2014. -S. Strachan

Light southerly winds, overcast skies with intermittent showers…..I was thinking “fall-out”. but it wasn’t to be. It was just business as usual for us. Here are the reports from 2 sites:

Ruthven Park Banding Station:
A warm, overcast morning and while I was opening nets, I was listening to the variety of birds calling at first light. Some of the species included the American Woodcock, Wild Turkeys, Northern Cardinals, American Robins, and Song Sparrows. One of my favorite sparrows that was also calling was the White-throated Sparrow. With the variety of sparrows that were handled in the banding lab today, I was quizzing the visitors on sparrow identification. The sparrows that they saw included Field Sparrow, Song Sparrow, American Tree Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, and White-throated Sparrow.

The light blue plastic band was applied in Spring of 2014.  -S. Strachan

The light blue plastic band was applied in Spring of 2014. -S. Strachan

2nd Brown Thrasher banded this year.   -S. Strachan

2nd Brown Thrasher banded this year. -S. Strachan

Banded 32
2 Tree Swallow
1 House Wren
3 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
1 American Robin
1 Brown Thrasher
1 Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler
5 Chipping Sparrow
1 Field Sparrow
2 Song Sparrow
2 Swamp Sparrow
4 White-throated Sparrow
2 Red-winged Blackbird
2 Brown-headed Cowbird
5 American Goldfinch

ET’s: 47 spp.

Fern Hill School – Oakville:
It was like preaching to the choir: we had a large group of very interested students and teachers out early to learn about birds and watch as we banded them. And throughout the day we had other classes of students – all equally enthralled with a bird in the hand. And the birds didn’t let us down. From just 2 nets we got 40 birds – 31 ‘new’ ones and 9 retraps (from just the previous 2 weeks).

We also had some interesting sightings: the first Broad-winged Hawk I’ve seen this year and 4 species of swallow – Tree, Barn, Bank, and Northern Rough-winged. Tree Swallows are starting to discover the new nest boxes that Katherine, Chris (Hinks) and the students put up a couple of weeks ago. It looks like a couple of boxes are getting nest material……

Banded 31:
1 Downy Woodpecker
1 Black-capped Chickadee
1 American Robin
1 Chipping Sparrow
3 Dark-eyed Juncos
4 Brown-headed Cowbirds
13 Red-winged Blackbirds
5 House Finches
2 American Goldfinches

ET’s: 32 spp.

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