April 23rd & 24th – A Decidedly Unspectacular Weekend

An interesting shot of the meadow.   -E. Campanelli

An interesting shot of the meadow. -E. Campanelli

All weekend it was quite cool with a biting NE wind. Saturday morning there were frost patches on the ground and on some of the nets and the gusting wind precluded the opening of some nets. This morning the wind wasn’t a factor but it was still cool with frost patches. And when the dust settled we had a little more than twice the number of visitors than we had banded birds: 83 visitors vs 40 birds (20 each day). And more than a quarter of these were cowbirds. We have now banded over 100 of them and have recovered 28 that were banded in previous years. What an enormous amount of pressure these nest parasites must put on nesting birds!
Barn Swallows have finally shown up.   -R. Camasta

Barn Swallows have finally shown up. -R. Camasta

Swallows have been late to show up (except Tree Swallows and Purple Martins) but Barn Swallows were seen cruising the river both days and we saw our first Caspian Terns of the year on Saturday.
Covering the eggs.   -E. Campanelli

Covering the eggs. -E. Campanelli

But it feels like we’re marking time…and have been for some time now. We need it to warm up a little and for the wind to move into the south.
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. These hardy little birds, which have been around for the last few days, seem nonplussed by the cool temperatures.    -R. Camasta.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. These hardy little birds, which have been around for the last few days, seem nonplussed by the cool temperatures. -R. Camasta.

Saturday; Banded 20:
1 Downy Woodpecker
2 American Robin
1 Yellow-rumped Warbler
1 Northern Cardinal
2 Chipping Sparrows
2 Swamp Sparrows
1 White-throated Sparrow
1 Red-winged Blackbird
2 Brown-headed Cowbirds
7 American Goldfinches

ET’s: 40 spp.

Adult Bald Eagle soaring over the river.   -E. Campanelli

Adult Bald Eagle soaring over the river. -E. Campanelli

Sunday; Banded 20:

1 Downy Woodpecker
1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
1 Hermit Thrush
1 Chipping Sparrow
1 Song Sparrow
11 Brown-headed Cowbirds
4 American Goldfinches

ET’s: 45 spp.
The “Baggers” were at it this weekend and managed to band 11:
4 Ruby-crowned Kinglets
2 Hermit Thrushes
2 White-throated Sparrows
3 American Goldfinches

Photo Gallery:

Song Sparrow - the river flats would appear to be a breeding factory for them.   -R. Camasta

Song Sparrow – the river flats would appear to be a breeding factory for them. -R. Camasta

This pair of Tree Swallows have commandeered this box.   -I. Turjansky

This pair of Tree Swallows have commandeered this box. -I. Turjansky

Tessa releasing a robin that she's just banded as Kip looks on with approval.   -I. Turjansky

Tessa releasing a robin that she’s just banded as Kip looks on with approval. -I. Turjansky

Swamp Sparrow.   -I. Turjansky

Swamp Sparrow. -I. Turjansky

Our Purple Martin colony has grown to 11 birds over the weekend.   -I. Turjansky

Our Purple Martin colony has grown to 11 birds over the weekend. -I. Turjansky

ASY male American Goldfinch.   -I. Turjansky

ASY male American Goldfinch. -I. Turjansky

Wing plumage detail of that ASY goldfinch.    -I. Turjansky

Wing plumage detail of that ASY goldfinch. -I. Turjansky

Gideon releasing the Yellow-rumped Warbler that he helped band as Micah looks on....approvingly.  -E. Campanelli

Gideon releasing the Yellow-rumped Warbler that he helped band as Micah looks on….approvingly. -E. Campanelli

Male Tree Swallow.   -E. Campanelli

Male Tree Swallow. -E. Campanelli

Caleb looking for tadpoles.   -E. Campanelli

Caleb looking for tadpoles. -E. Campanelli

Tree Swallow.  -E. Campanelli

Tree Swallow. -E. Campanelli

American Robin.    -E. Campanelli

American Robin. -E. Campanelli

(Banded) Tree Swallow defending a nest box.  -C. Scholtens

(Banded) Tree Swallow defending a nest box. -C. Scholtens

Cute.....but a real pest and bird nest predator: Red Squirrel.   -C. Scholtens

Cute…..but a real pest and bird nest predator: Red Squirrel. -C. Scholtens

Julian releasing an American Goldfinch - note the parka...despite the sunshine the wind was quite cool on Saturday.  -A. Wilcox.

Julian releasing an American Goldfinch – note the parka…despite the sunshine the wind was quite cool on Saturday. -A. Wilcox.

Female Northern Cardinal.   -A. Wilcox

Female Northern Cardinal. -A. Wilcox

Fluffed up big to scare a "predator" from the nest area, this Killdeer is telling us to keep clear.  -C. Scholtens

Fluffed up big to scare a “predator” from the nest area, this Killdeer is telling us to keep clear. -C. Scholtens


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