The day had a different feel to it – it felt like things were on the move again. Maybe it was wishful thinking but….that’s the way it felt. It’s about time though, isn’t it? I have to say I’ve become quite tired of frosty mornings and biting winds. There’s nothing worse than nets that keep sliding down icy poles…We had the nets all open well before the sun breached the horizon and, for our trouble in doing so, netted some White-throated And Swamp Sparrows. Not overwhelming numbers but nice birds to catch.
We recaptured a Chipping Sparrow that was originally banded here in 2008. I’d love to know where it spends its Winters. We encountered only 1 American Tree Sparrow today. Now, maybe they just effectively avoided capture today or (and this what I’m thinking as they have been putting on fat) they took off during the night and are on their way to Northern Ontario.
A couple of weeks ago we had a pair of Eastern Bluebirds carving out a niche (nest box) in the meadow next to the parking lot despite the onslaught of Tree Swallows. And then they disappeared. We wondered what could have happened to them. Then, last week, Li,sa found the partial wing of a male bluebird; it had been predated, probably by a racoon or cat (according to bluebird guru Bill Read). But for the past two days another pair has been trying to get their wing in the door in the same area. They’ve got a late start but are showing a lot of energy and determination. Keep your fingers crossed.

Although their pond below Net 8 is quickly drying up, the Chorus Frogs are not deterred. -S. McCutcheon
Banded 26:
1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
1 Golden-crowned Kinglet
3 Ruby-crowned Kinglets
1 American Robin
1 Northern Cardinal
1 Chipping Sparrow
1 Field Sparrow
3 Swamp Sparrows
3 White-throated Sparrows
3 Dark-eyed Juncos
5 American Goldfinches
Species Count: 54 spp.
tree sparrows have been here for weeks we have banded almost 200 so far hope to get another 5o or so today keep sending them hermit thrush have arrived but we are waiting for chipping sparrows . nice for you to get a return from 2008 . Keep up the great work Ruthven
Jonathan claims your Chorus Frog is actually an American Toad.