A view of the front of the new HBO banding “hut”. Picture yourself sitting on the porch, having that first drink of coffee, and eating a muffin while the birds flit and sing overhead. -DOL
Elaine and Dave Gosnell set up a trust fund and their first project was to purchase a new home for our banding program!! What a greatly-appreciated treat! It will be delivered sometime in the new year once the ground is frozen.
There is a great deal of internal space and we’ll have to have a think tank about how best to use it. Some ideas that have already been thrown around: banding area in the front; wall off the back portion which can be used for….??…sleeping over was one suggestion (which would make it much easier for people coming from afar to participate); insulate the walls for cold weather conditions; run a narrow table outside along the front for outdoor banding….What a wonderful way to kick off more intense studies of the ecology of the site.