The weather hasn’t been great for migrating birds this week, but I have started to notice a large influx of White-throated Sparrows. I am supposed to be at Lowville tomorrow morning, so won’t get a chance to open my nets at home until Sunday, so I thought I’d try a few morning net rounds before work Friday morning. I’m so glad I did! On my first net round, I had an Eastern Towhee in one of my nets between 2 hedgerows down at my neighbour’s. I think he may be the first one I’ve ever banded. Luckily, Nancy Ferbur and her husband Mike have plenty around their property, so I sent a couple of photos and quick texts to check out the particulars. I really appreciate technology connecting you to other banders with more experience, especially when you’re the sole bander of your site. I also had another Brown Thrasher in the other meadow net, this one with a cloacal protuberance which hopefully means he has a partner nearby and they’re nesting.
We had a great time noticing all the details on the EATO with my Grade Ones – strong looking bill, white on the wing, rusty orange colour on the sides. They particularly loved the deep red of the eye and one student wondered out loud if it might be a vampire bird So, we looked up what things it ate and insects was one of them. They were quite surprised it would also eat berries.
2 – American Goldfinch
1 Swamp Sparrow
3 Slate-coloured Juncos
2 Song Sparrows
1 White-throated sparrow
1 American Robin
1 Eastern Towhee
1 Red-winged Blackbird
1 Brown Thrasher
1 Song Sparrow
Total: 15 (14 Banded, 1 Recap)