What a beautiful morning – Spring was in the air….figuratively and literally. Four harbingers of Spring were present: 40+ Red-winged Blackbirds, from singles to small flocks, flew over; 5+ Common Grackles went over; 1 Killdeer called from the fields across the River; and a single male Brown-headed Cowbird flew by.
You could feel the heat shortly after the sun cleared the treetops and it ate up a lot of the snow still covering the lawns and meadow. The ice on the River seemed to soften before my eyes. Yes, yes…I know. The temperature is slated to plummet through the night and snow – maybe up to 25 cm. – could fall in the next 24 hours. But…the birds are on the move. This forecast weather may slow them, but it won’t stop them. Spring is here!