March 30th – Almost Ready

Geoff Ludkin helping put up net chain #4

Nancy and Geoff putting up #8

With opening day (April 1st) only 2 days away, we couldn’t delay any longer putting up the nets. Over the last 16 years I don’t think there’s ever been this much snow around when we got the nets up. In the “old days” I usually did this by myself but more recently I’ve been able to take advantage of a lot of help…and it’s a treat. This morning Loretta Mousseau, Nancy Furber and Geoff Ludkin were all out to help and the work went quite quickly.

And it’s a good thing because my sense is that the migration is about to get back into gear. There was a Sandhill Crane around this morning (by the pond on the flats just across the river) and I saw the first Double-crested Cormorants and Belted Kingfisher of the year.

Bob Donald, Ruthven’s volunteer handyman, dropped in to put the finishing touches on the office. The lab is looking great. We’ve moved out a lot of the clutter, cleaned up, and rearranged the rest….pretty well….We’re ready to go.

Handyman Bob Donald putting the finishing touches on the office.


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