May 1st – May Day

The long-distance migrants seem to have been held up at customs.   -C. Madliger

The long-distance migrants seem to have been held up at customs. -C. Madliger

Hooray hooray the first of May.
Neo- tropicals start today
-Peter Thoem

Well….sadly, the Neo-tropical did not start today. In fact, not much of anything started today.
The woods and fields felt empty. We’re still waiting.

An exaltation of Larks.

An exaltation of Larks.

Wing detail of a young male Eastern Bluebird. He and his mate are trying to carve out a niche amongst the Tree Swallow boxes.

Wing detail of a young male Eastern Bluebird. He and his mate are trying to carve out a niche amongst the Tree Swallow boxes.

Elaine Serena taking advice from the bluebird.

Elaine Serena taking advice from the bluebird.

Bright lights? Yes….we saw our first Broad-winged Hawk of the season and our first Green Heron.

Fern Hill School students checking out a bluebird nestbox (at Fern Hill)..  -J. Fleet

Fern Hill School students checking out a bluebird nestbox (at Fern Hill).. -J. Fleet

The first known clutch of Eastern Bluebirds in the province (at Fern Hill School).  -J. Fleet

The first known clutch of Eastern Bluebirds in the province (at Fern Hill School). -J. Fleet

Banded: 10
1 Blue Jay
2 Eastern Bluebirds
2 Chipping Sparrows
1 Song Sparrow
1 Dark-eyed Junco
2 Purple Finches
1 American Goldfinch

Species Count: 54 spp.

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