May 25th – The Drought Continues

Even the statues are wondering where the birds are.....

Even the statues are wondering where the birds are…..

A brilliant full moon lighted the path as I opened the nets early this morning. It was cold – only 2 degrees – but the lack of wind made it bearable. And by mid-morning it had warmed to the mid teens. But the trees were largely devoid of migrants. There were lots of locally breeding birds about but, again, the only “migrants” were Blackpoll Warblers.
Female Blackpoll Warbler - what the males will look like in the Fall.       -F. Socholotiuk

Female Blackpoll Warbler – what the males will look like in the Fall. -F. Socholotiuk

This Great Crested Flycatcher was originally banded last May.      -F. Socholotiuk

This Great Crested Flycatcher was originally banded last May. -F. Socholotiuk

Hard to believe this 3 gram hummingbird can fly across the Gulf of Mexico.           -K. Everard

Hard to believe this 3 gram hummingbird can fly across the Gulf of Mexico. -K. Everard

Banded 14:
1 American Robin
5 Gray Catbirds
1 Cedar Waxwing
1 Blue-winged Warbler
2 Blackpoll Warblers
1 Northern Cardinal
1 Indigo Bunting
1 Orchard Oriole
1 Baltimore Oriole

ET’s: 56 spp.

Katie with a Baltimore Oriole.           -K Everard

Katie with a Baltimore Oriole. -K Everard

Gray Catbird with a companion.        -K. Everard

Gray Catbird with a companion. -K. Everard


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