November 1st & 2nd – From Feast To Famine

Fox Sparrows are late migrants at Ruthven.   -L. Stacey

Fox Sparrows are late migrants at Ruthven. -L. Stacey

November kicked off…..well, maybe “kick” is to generous…..we sort of stumbled, tripped into November. Especially after the 100+ day that ended October. The grounds on the first day of November seemed dead, empty. What happened to all the American Tree Sparrows we’d banded/seen the day before? We went from 44 down to 4 banded. In fact, we banded only 21 birds total (and one of these was a Saw-whet Owl caught the night before.
We are seeing the last of the White-throated Sparrows now....we have banded well over 300.  -A. Wilcox

We are seeing the last of the White-throated Sparrows now….we have banded well over 300. -A. Wilcox

Today was a little better but not much – we banded 34. It was a beautiful day though and sooo warm. I had a hard time not flaking out on the picnic table for a snooze.
Juncos caught now at Ruthven might be migrating further....or they might be searching for a good place to spend the Winter.   -A. Wilcox

Juncos caught now at Ruthven might be migrating further….or they might be searching for a good place to spend the Winter. -A. Wilcox

November 1st; Banded 21:
1 Mourning Dove
1 Northern Saw-whet Owl (banded the night before)
1 Black-capped Chickadee
1 Hermit Thrush
4 American Tree Sparrows
1 Fox Sparrow
1 White-throated Sparrow
7 Dark-eyed Juncos
4 American Goldfinches

ET’s: 38 spp.

Weekend visitors to the owl program got lucky Saturday night when Nancy caught two before the rain started.  -E. Hannan

Weekend visitors to the owl program got lucky Saturday night when Nancy caught two before the rain started. -E. Hannan

-E. Hannan

-E. Hannan

New feather fluouresce pink; old feathers don't.   This mix indicates that this is an older bird.   -E. Hannan

New feather fluouresce pink; old feathers don’t. This mix indicates that this is an older bird. -E. Hannan

November 2nd; Banded 34:

1 Red-bellied Woodpecker
1 Downy Woodpecker
3 Golden-crowned Kinglets
9 American Tree Sparrows
2 Fox Sparrows
14 Dark-eyed Juncos
4 American Goldfinches

ET’s: 34 spp.

What a long season can do to a young bander.....or maybe it was Hallowe'en.....  -A. Wilcox

What a long season can do to a young bander…..or maybe it was Hallowe’en….. -A. Wilcox

Fern Hill School:

It was a beautiful, sunny day at Fern Hill today. Fifteen birds were handled with a Blue Jay being the highlight for one of our Young Ornithologists Pari.

Banded 11
1 Blue Jay
1 American Robin
1 American Tree Sparrow
6 Slate-colored Juncos
2 American Goldfinches

ET’s: 26 spp.

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