October 2nd – Back To Summer?

Early morning sky – the best time of the day. -NRF

It was a cool night but quickly warmed up as the sun rose – T-shirt conditions again. If I was a migrant, I’d be confused. Hell, it’s confusing to humans as well…..

Ruthven – Tag Team

The layering of clothing needed with the cool start to the morning was
soon set aside as the temperatures warmed up. A clear day with little
cloud cover and net checks that were pleasant but disappointingly slow for
the number of birds that we handled. A large group of students were in
the banding lab and the tag team of David Brewer and Mike Furber provided
a dynamic program. [Good cop, bad cop?]

Banded 15
1 Winter Wren

Male Ruby-crowned Kinglet. -B. Fotheringham

3 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
1 Blue-headed Vireo

Blue-headed Vireo. -R. Fotheringham

1 Blackpoll Warbler
1 Common Yellowthroat
2 Northern Cardinal
1 Song Sparrow
5 American Goldfinch

ET’s: 40

Photos from the last couple of days:

Green Heron along Rick’s Rill (the stream below Net 10). -CBR

Young male Northern Cardinal at the release point. -CBR

That cardinal heading for freedom. -RJY

Callie with a Philadelphia Vireo. -RJY

Painted Lady. -R. Fotheringham

Carolina Wren in heavy moult. -KMP

Adult Cedar Waxwing moulting tail feathers. -KMP

If you arrive at Ruthven early, before the dew is gone, you will be treated to a stunning display of spider webs:

Web #1. -KMP

Web #2. -KMP

Fern Hill Oakville:
While 15 is a poor banding day at Ruthven, it’s a pretty good day at Fern Hill Oakville. We banded 15, many of which were short-distance migrants; they’re beginning to arrive in good numbers.

Banded 15:
2 Blue Jays
1 Black-capped Chickadee
2 American Robins
2 Yellow-rumped Warblers
3 Song Sparrows
1 White-throated Sparrow
4 Dark-eyed Juncos

ET’s: 22 spp.

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