Fall palette – October 8th 2022 by Sarah Sharp
Banding at Lowville on Saturdays, even on relatively slow days, can be an exciting and uplifting experience. The birds we do get are thoroughly enjoyed by all, and there is much opportunity for teaching and learning. The energy and the atmosphere created by the younger banders coming together is (albeit slightly loud) very fun and never fails to lighten my spirits.
Those there for net opening were treated to the eerie trills of screech owls as the sun crept above the horizon. The whistled, lazy, and slightly unsure songs of young white-throated sparrows emanated from all corners of the site, but notably, we didn’t catch even one. The morning was frigid, but as the sun and the temperature rose, so did everyone’s vivacity. On empty net rounds, there were bouts of trivia, as well as various bird-related quizzes at Nola’s direction.
The fall colours are nearing their peak, with the sumac currently a bright, burning red, and the canopy fading to varying shades of yellow and orange. As the morning sun lit up the forest, all the leaves sparkled to life with vibrancy, and we all marvelled at this annual spectacle. We did not, however, marvel at the leaves in the nets. Somehow it seems they lose their beauty when they land somewhere we don’t want them. All around, it was a very cheerful and well-spent morning!
Banded 19:
BLue-headed Vireo 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5
Golden-crowned Kinglet 2
Hermit Thrush 8
Lincoln’s Sparrow 1
Common Yellowthroat 2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Hermit Thrush 1
October 7th, 8th & 9th: The Charge of the Gryphons!
This was the weekend of the visit by the University of Guelph’s Wildlife Club. They came in 2 groups, one camping out at Marnie’s site Friday night and the other Saturday night. The agenda was straighforward: try for Northern Saw-whet Owls at night and learn about banding during the day. We thought it was a little early for these little owls but, what the heck, we gave it a try anyhow. And it’s a good thing we did! We caught and banded 2 Friday night and another two Saturday night.

A dream come true for Sarah as she not only got to see her first Northern Saw-whet Owl (at Marnie’s site) but also got to band it…and one other. -MMG
The passerine banding was also successful as we managed to band 47 over the two days – a rate that wasn’t overwhelming butwas just right for teaching novice interested students about the ins and outs of bird banding.
October 8 & 9; Banded 47:
14 Ruby-crowned Kinglets
5 Golden-crowned Kinglets
3 Hermit Thrushes
12 White-throated Sparrows
3 Song Sparrows
2 Swamp Sparrows
1 Red-winged Blackbird
1 Western Palm Warbler
6 Myrtle Warblers