Olive-sided Flycatcher – back for the 2nd day in a row and hawking from the same perch as yesterday, just 50 m. from the banding lab. -KMP
Wow! We went from riches to rags in just 24 hours. Yesterday the birds were flowing through while today they were few and far between: we went from 52 banded to just 16! Ouch. The only highlight was an Olive-sided Flycatcher – we think it’s the same one as yesterday; it was hawking insects from the same perch.
Banded 16:
1 Eastern Wood-pewee
1 Least Flycatcher
2 House Wrens
1 Veery
1 Gray Catbird
2 Red-eyed Vireos
2 Tennessee Warblers
1 American Redstart
2 Common Yellowthroats
1 Northern Cardinal
1 Song Sparrow
1 American Goldfinch
ET’s: 50 spp.
As a follow-up to yesterday’s note from Lyn Brown, she sent this picture of juvenile White Pelicans: