September 18th – Aflockalypse 2: The Grackling

Just art of a huge flock of grackles passing by. -KMP

Today’s title was coined by Karen after checking out the huge flocks of Common Grackles that were flying back and forth and all over most of the morning. I would love to know what they’re feeding on.

Western Honeybee taking advantage of the goldenrod. -KMP

Weatherwise it is was a beautiful day and because it was the banding was pretty boring – not a lot of birds around. Some quality but not much quantity. On the other hand, the Butterfly Meadow is just alive with stuff. Along the paths if you stop and just listen you can hear all kinds of bees as they move through the goldenrod and asters. Butterflies abound. You know, at one time the Ruthven board wanted to turn that meadow into a manicured lawn. It was described as just a big old “weed field”. But when I suggested that they simply needed to reframe it so that it was a “field of wildflowers” – hey! a butterfly meadow – they thankfully went with it.

Common Eastern Bumblebee. -KMP

The 5 Red-eyed Vireos that we banded today brings our Fall total up to 111 – a new record for us. The old record was 101 set in 2015.

Banded 33:
1 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher

Gray-cheeked Thrush. -KMP

2 Gray-cheeked Thrushes
2 Swainson’s Thrushes
4 Gray Catbirds
5 Red-eyed Vireos

Male Magnolia Warbler. -KMP

5 Magnolia Warblers

Young male Black-throated Blue Warbler. -KMP

1 Black-throated Blue Warbler

Female American Redstart. -KMP

1 American Redstart
8 Common Yellowthroats
1 Wilson’s Warbler
1 Scarlet Tanager
2 Song Sparrows

ET’s: 52 spp.

Karen’s Kreeping Korner:

The two spots on the wings indicate that this Monarch Butterfly is a male. -KMP

Clouded Sulphur. -KMP

Mantis on the prowl. -KMP

Northern Crescent Butterfly. -KMP

Two Ruby Meadowhawks……frolicking. -KMP


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