October 1st, 2006
A fairly pleasant early October day with lots of sun in the morning
Banded: MODO 1, BLJA 2, BCCH 1, GCKI 6, RCKI 18, GCTH 1, HETH 1, GRCA 1, REVI 1, MAWA 3, NYWA 4, INBU 1, SOS2, WTSP 3, SCJU 1 = 46
September 30th, 2006
For a forecasted rain out, it was a breezy but sunny morning. Light rain finally arrived as the nets were 3/4 of the way closed. A pretty decent day considering the forecast.
Banded: BLJA 2, HOWR 1, WIWR 1, GCKI 8, RCKI 15, SWTH 1, NAWA 2, MAWA 1, BTBW 3, RBGR 1, WTSP 3, SCJU 1 = 39
September 29th, 2006
A pretty good day, steady with good variety.
Banded: EAPH 1, BLJA 1, BRCR 3, GCKI 6, RCKI 5, GCTH 2, SWTH 5, HETH 2, AMRO 4, GRCA 2, TEWA 1, BTBW 1, MYWA 12, WPWA 3, AMRE 2, COYE 1, SOSP 5, LISP 1, SWSP 1, WTSP 15 = 74
September 28th, 2006
A late start and an early finish while dodging rain drops. Still managed to band a few birds.
Banded: EAWP 1, BLJA 1, HOWR 1, RCKI 5, GCCH 2, NAWA 1, MYWA 2, OVEN 1,COYE 1, WTSP 1 = 16
FTD 1643
Selkirk’s top 10 so far this fall (Sept 28th)
Magnolia Warbler 162
American Goldfinch 124
Yellow Warbler 90
Gray Catbird 87
Song Sparrow 81
American Robin 77
American Redstart 68
Myrtle Warbler 65
Cedar Waxwing 57
Nashville Warbler 53