September 29th – Feeling Like Fall

Old Bag(ger)s taking a break. No wonder Nancy’s cup is never even half full……

We got some rain about 2 hours after opening, which forced us to close up for awhile and then reopen only a few nets – that could be managed quickly if/when the need arose. This cut into our catch which was too bad as there were good numbers of White-throated Sparrows, kinglets, and Cedar Waxwings around. When the wind picked up it was nice to see it pushing the clouds across the sky – cool, blustery weather that just felt right. Fall is here… last.

There are (supposedly) 9 Cedar Waxwings in this picture…..according to Karen. We estimated that there were at least 250 around the site this morning. -KP

Eastern Phoebe. -KP

Banded 36:
1 Eastern Wood Pewee
2 Black-capped Chickadees
1 Brown Creeper

First banded Winter Wren of the season. -NRF

1 Winter Wren
2 Golden-crowned Kinglets
7 Ruby-crowned Kinglets
3 Cedar Waxwings

A very handsome Blue-headed Vireo. -NRF

1 Blue-headed Vireo
1 Scarlet Tanager
4 Song Sparrows
13 White-throated Sparrows

ET’s: 51 spp.

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