In my mind the 6th (yesterday) was a busy day. Sixty-two birds handled (49 banded; 13 retraps); lots of diversity involving some ‘interesting’ identification, aging and sexing problems; a census to cram in; and lots of leaves to take out of the nets before closing them. So if you asked me at the end of today, before crunching the numbers, whether I had handled as many birds as yesterday I would have said no. And I would have been wrong. In fact, I handled a lot more birds: 76 (61 banded; 15 retraps). I guess the reason is that I had a lot of help today and could take things, personally, at a more leisurely pace. Faye Socholotiuk was out to give a big help with the extracting and banding/scribing; Peter Thoem came out to take on the census; and my wife Marg showed up to help close the nets. As well, the Campanellis made a visit and Peter brought some friends (I’m sorry but in a senior’s moment I have forgotten your names) – so I had lots of people to talk to while the others were working (as well as munch on the goodies Ann Campanelli brought). So it seemed more leisurely even though, bird-wise, it wasn’t.Â
The Campanelli boys did not do much birding this Summer and, if you can believe it, had a hard time with some of the identifications. Living proof that practice makes perfect. They did discover though that if you guess the same warbler over and over again, after a while you’ll be right….at least once.
Although not as good as yesterday, we still had good variety, banding 23 species with 53 species encountered altogether.
Banded 61:
2 Downy Woodpeckers
1 Traill’s Flycatcher
2 Black-capped Chickadees
3 White-breasted Nuthatches
2 Eastern Bluebirds
1 Veery
4 Swainson’s Thrushes
1 Gray Catbird
8 Red-eyed Vireos
1 Tenness Warbler
2 Nashville Warbler
1 Chestnut-sided Warbler
3 Magnolia Warblers
2 Black-throated Green Warblers
1 Blackburnian Warbler
1 Blackpoll Warbler
2 Black & White Warblers
2 Common Yellowthroats
1 Scarlet Tanager
2 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks
3 Chipping Sparrows
2 House Finches
14 American Goldfinches
Retrapped: 15
1 Red-bellied Woodpecker
1 Eastern Tufted Titmouse
6 Black-capped Chickadees
2 White-breasted Nuthatches
1 Magnolia Warbler
1 Common Yellowthroat
1 Chipping Sparrow
2 American Goldfinches
ET’s:Â 53 spp.